Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

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To The Gospel Of Cross

For the Glory of Kingdom of Heaven

Our faithful forerunners courageously held unto the Lord‟s promises and overcame all hardships. Regardless of the reality or sinful epoch, they remained faithful to God. The earliest churches survived the terror and persecution through the Apostle‟s Creed, and the firm Gospel-believing churches reciprocated liberal theology with the Lausanne Covenant.

A bride‟s essence is chastity, and a military‟s true nature is war. Now, as the Lamb‟s bride and soldier, we know our true identity and the war we are fighting. Consequently, it is time to respond to our specific calling. We will pray for our churches and the victorious battles as Jesus Christ as our leader. So that we may never shy away from fear but stand up as the Lord’s bold troops.

We pray together for Jesus to pour every church a “spirit of grace and desire” so they can relentlessly run towards one goal through His Word – revival and completion of missions to spread the Gospel.

Expecting the kingdom of God daily, waiting for the day

The Holistic and Perfect Gospel

“Gospel is not just first step to climb up the stair of truth. But It’s like the axis of a spinning wheel of the truth.”
“The Gospel is not only has sparked the faith in us, also the fuel that make us go on day by day and give us the power that foster us to grow.”                           – Tullian Tchividjian

“Gospel is not the basic of Christianity, but all and everything of Christianity.”                    – Tim Keller

God’s plan, after saving sinners, is not leading us to go over the Gospel, but into the Gospel more deeply. The Gospel is the power of God for the salvation until we reach to the Promised Land. We need the salvation of God every single day that is the grace of God in every each areas of Christian’s life.

Too many Christians understand the Gospel partly as some pieces of messages and doctrines, but not as a whole message of the bible. The Gospel has been even distorted or misunderstood oftentimes. Usually, some messages from the bible are used to be delivered with their own understanding. But the Gospel has never been made by human hands but was given to us by God. So we have to hear and believe first and accept the Gospel that God has completed and made the way for the salvation for us, so we call it ‘faith’

All books of the bible focuses on Jesus and the salvation through Him.
The only reason God gave us the bible through generations, is only for the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is the only way for our salvation.

But some are preaching their own level of Gospel using the bible by their own understanding. That is why many pulpits that should preach the Gospel is have been transformed into human ethics or the Law.

Some pastors know the Gospel partly like scattered pieces of puzzle, and never seen the whole picture of the Gospel. So they could preach only what they could see, they are mostly just a piece from the whole. So their messages are hard to transform the life. So many untransformed believers fill up the church. Some say Gospel is blue, some say Gospel is yellow, because they saw and experience parts of the whole. But if we lose the word of the Gospel that we must not miss, our lives and salvation can be like a house built on sand. We must not chop or reduce the Gospel. It is the reason that so many church members are hard to experience the power of Gospel for their salvation in their life then wonder why they are so weak in spirit.

The Great Command of Jesus is to preach and spread the Gospel. The church has the responsibility to preach and protect the message of Gospel and deliver it from generation to generations (Gal.1:7-12). Let us give thanks to God who calls us into Gospel Study that the holistic Gospel will be revealed, planted, and glorified. Let us throw myself into the hand of God who is calling us into his marvelous light of Gospel that is in the plan of God who we trust on

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