Scripture Prayer Together, Online

Scripture Prayer Together, Online

  • Such as pieces of puzzle are gathered
    and it comes to be a whole picture,
    each sharing by meditation in the Word of God can be collected and be our prayer.
    We are looking for seeing the will of God can be done our prayer.
    Prayers only can experience the glory what God has done and doing.
    God may them to ask God’s will what God wants to fulfill by the scripture concluded as the truth.
  • Prayers can share as much as God reveals in him, so nobody take the burden alone, but enjoy abundantly the calling God has called us as one body.
  • (Ephesians 4:16) From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work

6 AM – 7 AM
ENGLISH (We are praying for other language groups can start)

INQUIRY : (WhatsApp only) 8050-21-8270

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