The ‘Walking with Jesus Movement’ is
a united movement of churches and Christians
that hopes for all believers in all countries to walk accompanying with Jesus 24 hours a day.
Website : https://wjm.kr
24 hours
A happy walk with Jesus
WIJM is here to help.
Training is needed to continuously live a life that looks to Jesus.
“With Jesus Diary” is the most excellent tool to protect our hearts from Satan, who prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour, and from the world that tries to deceive us, and to train us to walk with Jesus 24 hours a day.

Believing in Jesus means having a personal and intimate relationship with the Lord who came into us. To have an intimate relationship with Jesus, we must look to Him.
I always wanted to live looking at Jesus. However, contrary to my thoughts, I often failed to look to the Lord in my life. When I was feeling frustrated with my life looking to the Lord, it was “With Jesus Diary” that gave me hope.
By taking the challenge of “With Jesus Diary” and actually writing it, I was able to gain confidence that I can look to the Lord 24 hours a day even in my busy daily life. I also learned what it means to experience the amazing presence of Jesus every moment of every day.
The Lord calls us to a place of life where we walk with Him 24 hours a day. When we follow Jesus at home and at work, we can bear fruit that pleases the Lord.
“I hope we can all move forward to the happy place the Lord calls us to be.”
Kisung Yoo